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Manage your entire retail business with one software platform

LS Central brings together in one single platform financials (the Microsoft ERP), Point of Sale (POS), store operations, supply chain management, inventory, eCommerce, and customer loyalty.


Say goodbye to unclear data, uncontrolled costs, and no real overview of the customer journey

​Many retail businesses use different IT systems to meet the needs of each department. A Point of Sale system for your physical stores, an ecommerce platform for online sales, an ERP to manage your accounting and finances, a warehouse and inventory system, a loyalty program system for your customers... Outcome? High administration and maintenance costs.

Does your retail management system help you respond to changing trends and consumer demands?

Inventory management is a big pain for retailers. If your customers can't find what they are looking for, you might lose not just a sale, but their business altogether. On the other hand, maintaining a large inventory means tying up considerable working capital, and reducing flexibility and response time in front of market fluctuations. To that you must add industry-specific issues: think seasonality in the fashion industry, outdated items in the tech world, or perishable goods for grocery retailers.


On top of that, consumer demands are changing. Retailers who want to be successful need to provide their customers with outstanding shopping experiences in-store, online, and on mobile. Shoppers have come to expect seamless experiences, and demand increasingly personalized offers and services, anytime and anywhere. And if you don’t do it, your competitors will! As simple as that.

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